'Bear Cottage' 2007

In 2007, a call was made to the Sculptors Society for a sculpture for the children’s hospice in Manly, ‘Bear Cottage’.

I offered my services and I was delighted that they accepted my offer. It was agreed that a meaningful sculpture be designed that related to children who had passed way over the year. Bear Cottage held a Family Remembrance Day each year for members of families to cherish and honour their children. It was planned that each family was to bring an image (like a rocket ship, balloon, butterfly) that was significant to their child. Each family took a turn to come to a large sheet of paper which had the outline of a star on it. The family then drew the image within the star shape. Once all the space was filled with these images, I took the drawing to Chullorah TAFE’s manufacturing and metal engineering division. Thery laser cut the images out of a piece of 1metre sheet metal and then powder coated the sculpture.

From a distance, the viewer sees light streaming through to form the shape of the star. As one approaches closer to the sculpture, they see the individual patterns and shapes of the balloon, rocket ship and butterfly.

In 2008, the sculpture was presented at Bear Cottage’s gala fund raising night and $6,00 was offered for the sculpture. The buyer immediately donated it back to the Cottage for display in their facility.

About Gary

Gary Grant has been involved in a number of special public sculptures, some of which were: 'Tree of Life' sculpture for Prince of Wales Children’s Hospital, Ronald Macdonald House Randwick; 'Star of Remembrance' sculpture for Bear Cottage Children’s Hospice Manly; 'Reconciliation' sculpture involving NSW National Parks and Wildlife with the La Perouse Aboriginal Land Council, 9/11 Decade of Remembrance' in association with the New York Tribute Center. Gary Grant has been an active member on the Executive of the Sculptors Society for 15 years.

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