"Decade of Remembrance 9/11" Featured In
The Australian Newspaper
9 September 2011

The 9/11 Decade of Remembrance Sculpture consists of 2,753 porcelain pebbles, one for each of the victims of the Twin Towers event. Each pebble had the imprint of part of the twisted metal girder nut and bolt which came directly from the collapsed World Trade Centre.

On the anniversary of 9/11, I arranged a series of the pebbles to reflect the footprint of the twin towers of the World Trade Centre. The sculpture was erected on the walkway overlooking the Sydney Opera House.

In 2010, I traveled to New York and visited the Remembrance Museum for the catastrophe. Pictured below shows me at the Remembrance Centre in New York making the imprint from the metal girder with a negative impression mold.

Pictured: Gary Grant taking the impression from the twisted girder

About Gary

Gary Grant has been involved in a number of special public sculptures, some of which were: 'Tree of Life' sculpture for Prince of Wales Children’s Hospital, Ronald Macdonald House Randwick; 'Star of Remembrance' sculpture for Bear Cottage Children’s Hospice Manly; 'Reconciliation' sculpture involving NSW National Parks and Wildlife with the La Perouse Aboriginal Land Council, 9/11 Decade of Remembrance' in association with the New York Tribute Center. Gary Grant has been an active member on the Executive of the Sculptors Society for 15 years.

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